Would you rather be mildly sick for a week or really sick for 3.5 days?
- The half day of sickness would be the first, and you'd have a "normal" feeling morning before the onset.
- "Sick" can mean a variety of things, but the main feature is "general malaise." (This may include, but is not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, nausea, headache, lightheadedness.)
- "Mildness" is determined by having either few or mild symptoms. (You do not get to pick the symptoms).
- "Really"ness is determined by having many or severe symptoms (you do not get to pick them, and they would be sufficiently severe to cause you to miss some work).
- Severe illness would disrupt your plans.
- You could still do things while mildly ill (e.g. go to work), but you'd feel shitty.
- If you pick severe sickness, there is a very small chance that your severe illness could be Ebola or flesh eating bacteria, which may kill you within the 3.5 days.
I'll go with the mild sickness for a week. Since I just had that happen last month anyway. Felt crappy, but couldn't afford to be really sick and actually stay home for even a day. =/
I wish you would update. This is a funny site and it would be great to see more entries. Guess that law career is keeping you too busy?
Thank you very much for linking to creditcardflyers[dot]com on this pages:
We'd be really grateful, if you could remove the links mentioned above. It would be a wonderful gesture on your part, and I would be very grateful for that.
We really need those links removed from your site, and hoped you'd be kind enough to remove them for us?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Alex Neilson
09/06/2012 REF-A0913
Acclaim Domains, Inc.
2620 E. 18th Street, Suite 2
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