Ridiculous Hypotheticals

A blog asking ridiculous questions you never would've thought of.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Insensitive Remark

Who would you rather accidentally make a culturally insensitive remark to?
  • A midget
  • An albino
  • An albino midget

  • The insensitive remark would be about the person's height/skin color or both (in the case of the albino midget).
  • You have been drinking and you encounter the X person in the bar. S/he has also been drinking.
  • The remark could be a mild slip of the tongue (e.g. "all white then" to the albino instead of "alright then") or it could be a Kramer/Mel Gibson-esque hateful tirade (e.g. "go back to the North pole, you pale fucking elf! You'll blend right in with all that snow, and I hope you get burried in it because you're so close to the ground" to the albino midget).
  • If the remark is particularly offensive, presumably the midgets pose less of a physical threat. [That is unless midgets happen to carry weapons to compensate for their inherent non-threatening nature, in which case the albinos would be a surer bet, unless they could remove articles of clothing and blind you with their sheer brightness.]


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Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:35:00 AM  

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