Ridiculous Hypotheticals

A blog asking ridiculous questions you never would've thought of.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Food or Killer

Would you rather eat a food you dispise or kiss a killer?

  • A food I dispise? Yes, you absolutely hate it. The thought of this food makes you want to gag.
  • Do I have to eat the whole thing? Yes. You must consume an entire serving of dispised food.
  • Kiss a killer? Yes--on the lips. Whether or not you give him/her tongue is up to you.
  • Who did s/he kill? It's a mystery. If you knew that, then s/he'd be in jail!
  • Kissing a killer would be creepy and possibly nauseating.
  • Eating a food you dispise (like cilantro) would likely be nauseating.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

unless they have bad hygiene.....and then I'd choose the bleck food!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:50:00 AM  

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